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Global Equine Dentist: Teeth Rasping - Dental Hygiene - Fully Insured

Things you as an owner can do to help your horse
be in a more natural environment

Taking the horse out of its natural environment can have big implications, so bringing back some natural ways of living can certainly help.

Many horse owners feed there horses from a height in there stable (hay net), this is very unnatural from a dental perspective because when a horse lowers his head his bottom jaw slides forward. So your horses lower jaw is unable to occlude (meet and grind) against his first upper premolars and last lower molars. This can result in large hooks growing on the first upper tooth (6) and the last lower tooth (11) and will put pressure on the TMJ (jaw joint) and lock up your horses jaw, lead to weight loss, poor performance and even colic.

My advice is to feed you horse from the ground as this is how they were designed to eat. See diagram.

Global Equine Dentist: Teeth Rasping - Dental Hygiene - Fully Insured

Andy Watson
In the UK:   Tel: +44 (0) 1807 590234   Tel: +44 (0) 1807 590331
In Germany:   Tel: +49 (0) 231 9759629
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