Problems to watch out for with your horse
- Lack of condition
- Poor performance
- Quidding
- Change in performance
- Weight loss
- Excessive salivation or drooling
- Bumps or swellings of the jaw or face
- The chewing of doors or fencing
- Rearing
- Bad breath from either the mouth or nostrils
- Head throwing while being ridden
- Stiffness on one rein
- Head tilting while eating or riding
- Choking
- Head shaking
- Does not like there head touched
- Dropping feed
- Wolf teeth
- Broken teeth
- Undigested feed in the droppingsAll of these can point to there being a problem with their teeth.
Andy Watson
In the UK: Tel: +44 (0) 1807 590234 Tel: +44 (0) 1807 590331
In Germany: Tel: +49 (0) 231 9759629
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