Welcome to Global Equine Dentist
The main objective of Global Equine Dentist is to ensure the overall well being of your horse, whether it is for pleasure, hacking out or competing at the highest levels. To achieve this your horse needs to be in top condition, and a key factor in this are its teeth!
Using only hand tools and no sedation, Global Equine Dentist provide a holistic mobile equine dental service, covering the whole of the UK and Europe. Note:- Sedation will only be given when advanced dentistry work is required: this must be administered by a vet, as equine dentists/dental technicians cannot legally administer any sedation.
In addition to the mobile equine dental service Global Equine Dentist have recently opened an Equine Dentistry Training Centre, which is based in Germany. For further details on this service please e-mail Andy Watson at enquiries@globalequine.co.uk or telephone on the numbers below.
NEXT TOUR in Europe by Andy Watson will be starting soon.
Please telephone: +49 (0) 231 98877676 – this is the German booking number. The sooner you call the better as it gives us more time to arrange the tour.
Andy Watson
In the UK: Tel: +44 (0) 1807 590234 Tel: +44 (0) 1807 590331
In Germany: Tel: +49 (0) 231 9759629
Mobile: +44 (0) 7774 864331 E-mail: enquiries@globalequine.co.uk